One Lap of America: Project One Lap – Update #10

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One Lap of America: Project One Lap - Update #10

May 11, 2007

Source: Project One Lap

One Lap of America: Project One Lap - Update #10Well, another day done. We woke up too early again to get to Mid-Ohio and walk the track. We made it to the hotel last night around 11:15pm, after naroowly missing a few Omish people in their horse drawn carriages. Someone outta tell them that being out on the road in those things at 11pm with only a tiny little lantern on is a really bad idea.

We walked the track, which is a beautiful, flowing track with lots of elevation changes and blind approaches. If you screw up the first turn, you lose time on the next few. Even though I spent 4 years in Cleveland a little over an hour away, I never made it to Mid Ohio. That was a big mistake, not only because it would’ve helped today immensely, but also because the track is so nice.

Kasim ran in the morning and did the best he could, but it’s obvious that most of the other One Lappers have run this track previously, as we ended up 52nd overall. I went out in the afternoon and ran similar times, pretty much cementing our finish in the mid to high 30’s overall. We have one more skid pad tomorrow at Tire Rack that’ll finish it off.

We made it to the hotel around 7pm tonight and met the crew in the bar. After a beer we all went out to a local steakhouse where we terrorized the other guests and just had a good time. Kasim and Ed are still at the hotel bar, I’m just whipped and am hitting the rack soon.

Brakes still stunk today, but they held up enough throughout the event to finish and will get us home for me to bring the car to Mark @ SCR Performance.

One Lap of America: Project One Lap - Update #10


Just checked the standings, Kasim ran 56th this morning, I ran 44th this afternoon, we’re 36th overall right now.


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