One Lap of America: Project One Lap – Update #5

By -

May 6, 2007

Source: Project One Lap

One Lap of America: Project One Lap - Update #5After frantically calling SCR Performance, Kasim’s Dad Dean (head of the Rocky Mtn Audi Club), 303 and Hans at Streamline we got a plan together. Consensus is we have a bad master cylinder, as I tested the check valve and it tested out fine. The search was then on for another master cylinder. We tried to figure out if Strong Audi in Salt Lake had one in stock, but we couldn’t find out. Turns out both Kasim’s Mom and Dad have B5 S4’s and Ernie from Prestige offered to go over to their house and take it out for us. Dean is going to go over to 303 and grab a bunch of Motul 600 brake fluid and then meet us in Cheyenne as we drive through. We’re going to throw the master cylinder and fluid in the back of the car and forge onto Salt Lake. Once we get there Hans is going to meet us at his shop and install the master cylinder. Hopefully that’ll fix the issue and we’ll be good to go.

I’d like to thank everyone for their help with this and the extra effort they made on a Sunday. I’d like to particularly thank Mark@SCR for dropping everything and offering whatever it took and Hans@Streamline for offering to meet us at the shop at 2am to swap out the master cylinder for us.

We’re back on the road now in western Nebraska driving through a downpour. We’ve got several other One Lappers strung out behind us over the last few miles and our buddies in the BMW 330i are an hour ahead of us.

We have some pics from today at Mid America. Kasim drove and despite the brake issue he kicked serious arse. He was running lap times around 12 seconds a lap faster than the rest of the people in our group, despite us moving up 15 cars in the run order today. We’re on track to arrive in SLC around 1-2am, plan is to call Hans and get the car fixed, then if there’s time, hit the hotel in Tooele for a little sleep and a shower.


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