Quotes after the race at Le Mans

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June 15, 2009

Source: Audi Communications Motorsport

Ingolstadt/Le Mans – Audi finished on the podium for the eleventh time in succession in probably the world’s toughest endurance race. The quotes after the 77th running of the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich (Head of Audi Motorsport): “Obviously we are a little disappointed about the result. We didn’t manage to extract the full potential of the Audi R15 TDI in the race, which we had seen during testing. In addition, we had several technical problems that really caught us by surprise. As a result, we could only get one car onto the podium. Peugeot produced a fantastic performance and certainly deserved the victory. We will analyze the problems we had to ensure we come back stronger in 2010.”

Dindo Capello (Audi R15 TDI #1): “I don’t think we should have any regrets because we did our best. The competition was stronger than us this time. Losing serves a purpose and can help to improve something which we previously believed to be the best. We are well aware that we can improve still further. I’m convinced that from tomorrow everybody – including the drivers – will work to be as strong as usual.”

Tom Kristensen (Audi R15 TDI #1): “Congratulations to Peugeot. The drivers drove exceptionally well, the car covered the distance of 24-hours without difficulty – and this is what it’s all about here at Le Mans. We were third this year, but can nevertheless be proud. Our new baby, the Audi R15 TDI, won against equally strong competition on its racing premiere at Sebring and obviously victory at Le Mans was also our target. We have already celebrated many victories and can also hold our heads high after this race: Every engineer, mechanic and driver did their all. My thanks go to Dindo (Capello) and Allan (McNish) for a fantastic week here in Le Mans. My hope is that after eight victories and one defeat to return next year and take revenge.”

Allan McNish (Audi R15 TDI #1): “We can be totally satisfied with third place overall, even though we would have also preferred to have won and therefore continue Audi’s fantastic and unbelievable winning streak at Le Mans. This series had to come to an end sooner or later, as is the case with all good things in life. We’d already had a very hard battle with Peugeot in the previous two years. This time they were better than us. Congratulations to Marc Gené, Alex Wurz and David Brabham. Everybody who knows Audi Sport and us knows that we will now regroup in order to return even stronger.”

Timo Bernhard (Audi R15 TDI #3): “It goes without saying that I had expected a better result that 17th position. We were jinxed from the beginning. We had a problem with the fuel pump after my fourth stint. The team produced a superhuman effort to repair the system so that the car could continue. Ultimately this paid off because we were able to test numerous things for the number 1 car. For me personally it was extremely good because, on the one hand I could demonstrate my qualities and on the other I had the opportunity to complete the race. I’ll take a lot of fond memories with me. The good ones by far outweigh the bad ones. I hope that this chance repeats itself.”

Romain Dumas (Audi R15 TDI #3): “They really were very difficult and an extremely long 24-hours for us. We encountered the first problem after only a few minutes and had no real target later. We continued to give everything and tried to learn more about the Audi R15 TDI. We managed this even though we had a few problems.”

Alexandre Prémat (Audi R15 TDI #3): “That was a tough weekend for everyone of us. Of course we are a little disappointed about what happened. But we have to remain motivated: Every mechanic, engineer and also Dr Ullrich. We have to learn from our mistakes and find out what didn’t work to be able to strike back next year. Unfortunately we had several problems with our car. Every driver gave their all. It was a fantastic experience to share the car with Romain (Dumas) and Timo (Bernhard).”

Lucas Luhr (Audi R15 TDI #2): “The result is very sobering, especially for me personally after the crash. Even after a night’s sleep I still don’t know exactly what happened. It was very strange. But we’ll find out in due course. Nonetheless: Congratulations to Peugeot! A one-two here is always difficult. My opinion is that they deserved it. We fought a damage limitation exercise with the number 1 car and made the podium.”

Mike Rockenfeller (Audi R15 TDI #2): “Congratulations to Peugeot. They did a good job. Congratulations also to the number 1 car which made the podium. This deserves respect. We are very spoiled at Audi because of the successful years behind us. This is sport, we are only human. We simply weren’t strong enough this year, but I’m satisfied with my personal performance. I drove at the start in Le Mans with a sport prototype for the first time and had had three excellent opening stints. I had some great fights with Allan (McNish). I didn’t get back in the car afterwards. It’s important that Lucas (Luhr) is okay. Now we have to do our homework.”

Marco Werner (Audi R15 TDI #2): “Of course it is not nice if you don’t finish this race. To make the finish here is always a huge success and the main priority. We should be satisfied with third place, even though Audi obviously came to win the race. We’ve managed this so many years in succession. However, there are so many people along the pit lane who would give their left arm for such a result. You can’t always win.”

Ralf Jüttner (Technical Director Audi Sport Team Joest): “Today we weren’t so faultless as usual. All sorts of things happened to us. The crews worked fantastically well and effectively ironed out all the mistakes that occurred in engineering and the organization. They are to thank for the third place we took. Congratulations to Peugeot! They demonstrated what is usually said about us, namely a mistake free race. You just have to accept and analyze such, then you emerge from it 100 per cent strengthened. We should view it like this, and next year we’ll win the big trophy again!”


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