Audi named a “Digital Brand Champion 2012”

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Audi named a

November 26, 2012

Source: Audi Media

· Independent study by “Wirtschaftswoche” singles out best digital brand management

· Head of Marketing Communications Korn: “Committed to authentic communication and intensive dialog”

Ingolstadt – Integrated brand management in the digital age: Audi’s success at handling this challenge is underscored by an award from “Wirtschaftswoche” magazine. The German business publication selected the premium carmaker as one of the Digital Brand Champions of 2012. Audi will continue to forge new digital paths in the future as well – including the Personal Online Assistant and Audi car chat, which recently went online.

With its Digital Brand Champions ranking, “Wirtschaftswoche” is for the first time singling out the companies with the most successful brand management in the digital age. The study commissioned by the business magazine examined the Internet strategies of the 60 most popular German brands. Decisive criteria in the study included consistency of the messages across all channels, a high degree of innovation and the relevance of the content for the user. Thanks to its convincing online offerings Audi took third place, placing the company on the winner’s podium in the ranking. “Audi has done its homework and is among the most successful brands in the digital age,” said Roland Tichy, Editor-in-Chief of “Wirtschaftswoche”, summarizing the results of the study.

“At Audi we are committed to integrated brand management – being authentic across all channels and using the special strengths of each individual medium,” explained Lothar Korn, Head of Marketing Communications at AUDI AG, describing the basic principles of the company. “Our goal is to conduct an even more intensive and direct dialog with the customers and fans of the brand through the digital channels.”

This is also the aim of the two recently launched innovations in the digital world of Audi: Prospective customers can get information through personal interaction on the Internet via the Personal Online Assistant and Audi car chat, and can discuss issues involving the four rings with experts and friends – bringing them one step closer to their dream car.

The Personal Online Assistant recently became available on the online portal for the new Audi A3 at With a Live Help button, users can contact a customer consultant directly via video, audio or text chat, and get information and advice regarding the new Audi A3. The Audi experts answer users’ individual questions and support them if they wish in configuring their personal A3. The Personal Online Assistant is available for starters in Germany for the A3 as well as for the A1 and Q3; also, this service is already available in Japan for the A1 and Q3. Furthermore, it is to be expanded to other models and countries in the future.

New options for dialog are also offered by Audi car chat (, which the carmaker is first offering in Germany. If prospective customers wish to get advice from friends following online configuration, they can now launch Audi car chat through a link and initiate an interactive discussion with their friends via Facebook.  Whether they have a specific question about selecting a car or want friends to vote on equipment options like colors or wheels, all of the recommendations and votes from a user’s friends are gathered on their Audi car chat page – offering practical help in deciding on a customized car.


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