From lightweight carbon fiber technology to by wire: the new Audi Technology Magazine

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From lightweight carbon fiber technology to by wire: the new Audi Technology Magazine

March 2, 2012

Source: Audi Media

· Audi provides an insight into the latest technical developments

· Board Member for Development, Michael Dick: “Today we are working on technologies which still seemed impossible yesterday.”

· Augmented reality brings technologies to life

Ingolstadt, Germany – Will we be driving without a steering wheel in future, will cars soon be self-piloted and how much lighter can a car become? The Audi Technology Magazine is dedicated to these questions. The second issue of the magazine shows which innovative developments Audi is working on. From futuristic lighting technology to innovative mobility concepts and the Multimaterial Space Frame – employees in all areas are dedicated heart and soul to making the future of the automobile reality.

“Never before were the approaches for solving tomorrow’s challenges as complex and diverse as they are today,” says Michael Dick, Development Board Member at AUDI AG. From the intelligent vehicle that thinks for itself and predicts dangers to ultramodern engine technologies and futuristic lighting design – the second issue of the technology magazine shows with which developments Audi is helping to shape the automotive future. It provides a look behind the scenes and illustrates the breadth of new ideas with which Audi is fundamentally rethinking the car.

However, technology is not the sole focus of the new magazine. Without the employees who devote their passion and energy every day to developing innovations at Audi, “Vorsprung durch Technik” would be nothing more than an empty promise.

The technology magazine therefore also presents the people behind the forward-looking developments. Readers can also enjoy the latest technology when reading the technology magazine. Augmented reality blurs the line between picture and video. Impressive short films make an almost real-life experience of the stories possible.

The technology magazine “Encounter” informs readers twice a year about the new developments and technologies from the Audi brand. Audi offers the magazine through a free subscription service. Anyone interested can sign up for future issues at Visit for information and videos on the Audi Technology Magazine.


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