Iconic Audi TV Commercials

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To make a commercial great requires one of three things or a combination of two: humor, a catchy jingle/song, and an emotional story. Anyone trying to sell you their product will know of these tricks. Just think about what makes those Super Bowl commercials so iconic and why ad teams feel the pressure to bring it every year. Audi commercials are no different, whether they air during the Super Bowl or not. Take a look at the best Audi commercials that exercise one or more of the common advertising techniques.


1. Takeoff


This Audi commercial is certainly one that brings out an emotion. A retired astronaut is plagued by the memories of taking a trip into space and is in deep sadness. That is until his son hands him the keys to the Audi R8. The feeling of nostalgia soon envelops him over as he remembers walking towards his shuttle and the rush of taking off. But wait, it gets better: the late David Bowie’s Starman plays in the background, making this Audi commercial one that invokes both sadness and happiness to the viewer.


2. Jumping on the Pop Culture Bandwagon


Product placement is all over movies and television, but this commercial is the opposite. Playing on humor, this commercial takes an ordinary family making a trip in their Audi and places them in the middle of all the action. So while there is a mouse-cat-dog chase happening outside between the Winter Soldier, Captain America, and Black Panther, they are safely secure inside their Audi. When it is time to escape the madness, their Audi can surely handle that, showing how reliable and safe it is to drive your family in an Audi.


3. Rise of the Machines


Drones are growing in popularity, so how long will it take for those to revolt against humanity? This is both humorous and brings out the call to action in the viewer. While a group of business people assemble, a group of drones patiently wait for the moment to attack. But as the video shows, these conscious drones are no match for the Audi A6. Putting a spotlight on its advanced technology, the Audi is more capable than any other car to get you where you need to be safely and away from the killer drones.


4. Mechanic Apocalypse

Now before you complain, I know this shouldn’t be on the list since it doesn’t deal with the car per se. It does, however, try to sell you the idea that it is better taking your Audi straight to the dealership for service rather than any regular mechanic. Also, it references World War Z’s zombie apocalypse. So whether this commercial has worked its magic and persuaded you to take it to the dealership or it hasn’t, it is still a pleasant video to watch, if you are a fan of zombies that is.


4. “Hey Lady, That’s Diesel!”


This minute long video will have you believe you are watching a great tragedy about to occur. As a business woman drives up the gas station and parks next to the diesel pump, passer-bys stop in their tracks like rubberneckers on the road. Feeling their duty to protect the wonderful and precious Audi from diesel, many run to stop her from making a big mistake. Little do they know that she is aware of what she is doing and her car is the new Audi TDI. Diesel is no longer the terrible thing it once was and Audi has jumped at the opportunity to create their own diesel-powered car. Even if you are still not convinced on diesel-powered cars, this is one funny video to watch again and again.


6. All in One

The shortest video on the list (31 seconds) is the most minimalist on this list. It takes the key fobs from what looks to be Alfa Romeo, Volvo, BMW and Mercedes-Benz and uses the chains to make the Audi logo. Simple, right? But it is also impactful, as it shows that you can get the characteristics of all these cars into one (hence, the All in One title of the video). This makes the Audi a steal compared to the rest of the cars on the list. So why settle for just design, comfort, safety or sportiness, when you can have it all?


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