Part-Time Scientists and Audi lunar quattro ready to head for the Moon

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Part-Time scientists und Audi lunar quattro ready to head for th

  • Development of “Audi lunar quattro” moon rover completed
  • German space travel team “Part-Time Scientists” signs agreement on rocket launch
  • More partners from business and research recruited for the project

It has shed eight kilograms in weight, while also gaining Audi e-tron power: Following extensive tests the “Audi lunar quattro” rover is ready to tackle one of the most difficult terrains of all in exploring the Moon. As well as the development of the lunar vehicle, the mission has now also achieved a further landmark: The German space travel team “Part-Time Scientists” announced yesterday at Audi City in Berlin that it plans to complete the 385,000 km trip to the Moon from the end of 2017 using a launcher booked with Spaceflight Inc. As an early technology partner and ambassador of the Part-Time Scientists’ mission, Audi has been instrumental in generating extensive publicity for the project and bringing other strong partners on board.

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