Audi closes 2018 with around 1,812,500 automobiles sold

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Audi closes 2018 with around 1,812,500 automobiles sold


  • Year-end closing down 3.5 percent in the wake of a difficult environment
  • Four Rings once again premium market leader in China
  • Audi CEO Bram Schot: “Preparing for new challenges after a challenging year”

Audi delivered around 1,812,500 automobiles to customers worldwide in 2018, 3.5 percent less than a year ago. In Europe, sales fell 13.6 percent in the past twelve months. On the home continent, Audi had replaced almost a third of its deliveries with important model changeovers for the A1, A6, A7 and Q3 since the start of the year. In China, the Ingolstadt-based carmaker reaffirmed its position as the most successful premium brand for the 30st year in succession. In North America, the company closed the year on a par with the level of last year (-0.9%). Around 154,550 customers worldwide chose an Audi in December, a decrease of 14.3 percent.

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