Audi A1 Burned Rear Light Dilemma Lights Up Forum

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Audi World

U.K. forum member posts about issue he’s having with a burned taillight and finds it is a lot more common a problem than assumed.

We always enjoy spending some of our downtime taking a deep dive into the Audi World forums and checking out the many threads, because no matter when they were posted the threads are always invaluable, informative, and entertaining, and we can easily spend all afternoon lost in the virtual rooms.

Recently, we came across a great thread in the Audi World forums under the “Audi A1” section that was launched a while back but remains a timeless thread for anybody facing the same issue with a tail light harness.

In a thread titled “Audi A1 Taillight Harness Burned?,” U.K.-based forum member “Tom Ankers” seeks advice on the best place to find a connector plug to fix an issue with his Audi A1.

And the interesting thing about this thread is that when “Tom Ankers” posted it, he received many immediate replies from fellow Audi owners who were having the exact same issue with their A1s and burned rear light connectors, and they were appreciative of the post and helpful in working together to resolve the issue.

“It appears that one of the connectors to the light assembly has burnt quite severely,” says “Tom Ankers” in the post. “Can anybody advise me on where I can source a new harness that will plug into the light assembly? I know I can get the light assembly part from many sites like eBay, but I am struggling to locate the correct connector plug.”

AUDI WORLD - Audi A1 Tail light harness burned?

As the thread grows and more people tune in mention and mention how they have been handling the issue and locating parts, the overall feedback creates a timeless and invaluable guide to keeping your Audi A1 in top shape.

Fellow forum member “Naviboy” was especially helpful with feedback, relaying suggestions from his mechanic and detailing a suggested solution in a step-by-step guide. Check out his guide and the full thread here!

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