AUDI AG Neckarsulm Site

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Audi Forum in Neckarsulm

The Audi Forum Neckarsulm looks back on a successful year 2014: With 243,082 guests during the year, the number of visitors since it was opened in 2005 climbed to 1.9 million. The history of the Neckarsulm site can be experienced at the Audi Forum. It is the place where up to 150 customers pick up their new Audi each day. The Audi exclusive Studio offers a wide range of inspiring possibilities for automobile customization and individualization.

The brand and experience world offers a diverse framework for readings, concerts, meetings and conferences – from classical to pop, from business to pleasure. In 2014, 21 cultural events were held at the Audi Forum. In addition to the three new formats Tango Passion, Slam Poetry and Ballet, special highlights included the pop concert with Marlon Roudette and the reading by Christoph Maria Herbst.  With “Audi young and fun,” a great fun and edutainment program has been offered for children and youths since 2012. The children’s program once again offered 29 events in 2014.

In 2014, 42,639 visitors and 35,487 customers who were picking up their new cars experienced a guided tour of the plant. A visit also has a lot to offer on the culinary side: The Nuvolari restaurant is available for relaxed enjoyment. Guests value its stylish, modern and sophisticated ambiance; the restaurant opens on the outside to the piazza and on the inside to the Forum.


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