Audi Boss Rupert Stadler detained by German authorities – Updated with more information

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Audi Boss Rupert Stadler detained by German authorities - Updated with more information

The current head of Audi ag has been detained by German authorities as part of their continuing investigation into the so called Dieselgate scandal. Stadler’s residence was reportedly searched, and the detention was said to be to prevent the destruction of evidence.

It’s clear that the German authorities want anyone responsible for this scandal to be held accountable. There are still around 20 people still either detained or under investigation related to the diesel scandal.

We are certainly not legal experts, but we suspect this detention is purely investigatory at this point.

As we know more information, we’ll update the story.


Rupert Stadler has been temporarily released from his duties as a member of the Board of Management – Supervisory Board accepts Stadler’s request

On Tuesday, the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft accepted the request of member of the Group Board of Management Rupert Stadler to release him from his duties as member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG. The release is a temporary measure, put in place until the circumstances surrounding Stadler’s arrest have been clarified. In his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, Rupert Stadler was elected to the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG on 1 January 2010.

Abraham Schot, who is to take over the position of Chairman of the Board of Management at AUDI in the interim, will at the same time be invited to participate in the meetings of the Group Board of Management as a guest.


All times are GMT -8. The time now is 07:26 PM.