Audi Group in first half of year: ongoing robust performance in a challenging environment

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In the first half of 2016 Audi achieved growth in car deliveries and robust key financials. Photo: Audi A5 Coupé

  • Growth in cars delivered and revenue
  • Operating return on sales before special items of 8.8 percent
  • Audi CEO Rupert Stadler: “We are applying the earnings from our core business operations and develop strategic areas for the future”
  • CFO Axel Strotbek: “We will increase efficiency in all areas in order to finance the technology shift”

Worldwide growth in car deliveries and robust key financials: Since the beginning of the year, the Audi Group has delivered more than 950,000 automobiles of the Audi brand and increased its revenue to €30.1 billion. Operating profit amounts to approximately €2.7 billion before special items, representing an operating return on sales of 8.8 percent. Earnings were reduced by special items totaling €265 million.

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