Audi promotes EEBUS Standard for Intelligent Connection of Electric Cars and Buildings

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Audi promotes EEBUS Standard for Intelligent Connection of Electric Cars and Buildings


  • Involvement in the EEBUS initiative for intelligent home integration of electric cars
  • Communication standard establishes uniform language in the Internet of Things
  • Standard release as part of “Plugfest E-Mobility” at Audi Brussels

Audi is actively involved in shaping the digital energy world of the future. The brand with the four rings is involved in the EEBUS initiative to promote networking across manufacturer and industry boundaries. The Audi e-tron (combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km (62.1 mi)*: 26.2 – 22.6 (WLTP); 24.6 – 23.7 (NEFZ); CO2 emissions combined in g/km (g/mi): 0) is the first electric car whose charging system uses the new communication standard. At the “Plugfest E-Mobility” at the Audi plant in Brussels, developers are testing cross-industry compatibility before the EEBUS standard for energy communication is introduced in February.

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