Audi using WiFi hotspots to compare the new A4 to its “competition”

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A popular thing to do in areas where you have lots of neighbors, and your own WiFi router is to come up with a creative broadcast name for your wireless. Through the years we’ve seen some good ones. But this takes the cake!

If you’ve been to the Audi stand at the New York Auto show this year and looked at your phone for available WiFi, you would have seen a long list of SSDIs with some very clever names. Audi is using intelligent ways to get their message out, and take some not so subtle jabs at other cars in the A4’s segment, by listing all of the ways the new A4 is superior to the other models.

We hesitate to use the word competition, as we feel that there is none, but we are admittedly biased towards the brand from Ingolstadt. But being fans of modern day oneupsmanship in the form of WiFi SSID names, we hope that EVERYONE who attends the show actually notices it!

During the media events of the NYIAS, the names were being changed to reflect the various other MFG models as they were holding their pressers, something we found to be amusing. When we made the screen grab used here, Mercedes Benz was conducting their presser, for example.

Well played Audi, we’re now left to wonder if/what other MFGs will do in an effort to save face.

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