Event preview – Wolfsgart

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Event preview - Wolfsgart

For anyone within a few hours drive of Burlington, VT, mark your calendars for the weekend of August 3 through August 6th. This is not just any event. Far from it. There are so many parts to Wolfsgart, you really should check out the website – https://wolfsgart.com. We’ve been going since the beginning, and have loved watching this show turn into what is probably the best VW/Audi/Euro/whatever show in the Northeast. It’s THAT good.

What makes Wolfsgart so great is the vibe. It’s all inclusive. Doesn’t matter what you show up in, you are welcome. We like that.

Event preview - Wolfsgart

Naturally, we are Audi guys and gals, so we tend to gravitate towards the Audi scene, and Wolfsgart NEVER disappoints. We’ve seen some of the sickest Audis anywhere turn up at Wolfsgart.

Event preview - Wolfsgart

We want to see you there.

We plan on being there as well, and we will have our usual swag in full force. So please plan on coming to see us at Wolfsgart!

Check out our previous coverage of Wolfsgart.. 1 2 3 4 5

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