Family Feud: Audi RS6 Avant vs Lamborghini Urus

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Audi RS 6 Avant vs Lamborghini Urus

New Top Gear clip seeks to answer the question of which is faster around a track: the RS6 Avant or the Urus?

As drift master Chris Harris points out toward the beginning of this Top Gear clip, “there’s something inherently naughty” about a fast station wagon. Sure, it might check all the boxes for family friendly outings and trips to your local Costco. But at the end of the day, it’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and ready to unleash vehicular mayhem with a simple stab of the go pedal. If you’ve got a few little ones but still want to occasional devil on your shoulder? It’s hard to beat the 591-horsepower Audi RS6 Avant.

Of course, since the horsepower wars have never been more heated than they are today, gearheads have never had more opportunities to find big fun in a big package. And one of more bonkers choices is currently offered by Audi’s corporate cousin, Lamborghini. Gearheads of a certain age will actually remember that the unfortunately named Urus is actually Sant’Agata’s second SUV, as the first was the LM002 of the 1980s, an off-road beast originally conceived for the United States military.

Despite being supremely ugly in pictures, the Raging Bull manages to be even more so when viewed in person. How the designers managed to pull off that neat little trick is anyone’s guess, but the engineers at least managed to give it a 640 horsepower twin-turbo V8, so anyone unfortunate enough to spot one in traffic won’t have to look at it for very long.

If you think I’m being harsh? Just wait until you see one in the flesh. The styling here is brutish and borderline inexcusable — especially considering what fellow Italians Alfa Romeo did with the gorgeous, glorious sounding, Stelvio Quadrifoglio.

The setup for this clip is that Harris and fellow presenter Paddy McGuinness are tasked with the finding the ultimate family car, and in proper Top Gear tradition, the winner will be decided by which can get around a race track quickest. Since lap times are the metric most buyers use when deciding which rig will best help them handle school runs, car pools, and soccer practice, I think it’s an excellent test. Though in fairness, I should point out that neither vehicle has a vacuum, like the Honda Odyssey. I guess you can’t really have it all.

Watch the clip to find out which of these high-horsepower family haulers wins the contest, and if you think I’m wrong about the styling of the Urus, hit me up and let me know. Obviously, I’m 100-percent correct, but it never hurts to hear another opinion!

Photos: Audi

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