Lightweight, efficient, powerful: the new Audi turbo engine for the DTM

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Lightweight, efficient, powerful: the new Audi turbo engine for the DTM

  • Compact two-liter four-cylinder engine with more than 610 horsepower
  • Extremely low specific consumption and high efficiency
  • Pioneering technologies for production development

The beginning of a new era in the DTM: Starting in the 2019 season, the Class 1 race cars of the popular touring car racing series will use modern and highly efficient turbo engines. The two-liter four-cylinder power-plant of the Audi RS 5 DTM delivers more than 610 horsepower. By means of the “push-to-pass” function, the drivers can even access a short-term 30-hp power boost.

Lightweight, efficient, powerful: the new Audi turbo engine for the DTM

Stefan Dreyer: “The format of the DTM is really tough”

Lightweight, efficient, powerful: the new Audi turbo engine for the DTM

  • The Head of Powertrain Development talks about the new Audi turbo engine for the DTM
  • Engines have to last for a full season
  • 30-hp boost due to push-to-pass is technically challenging

Stefan Dreyer, Head of Powertrain Development at Audi Motorsport, explains the magnitude of the challenge posed by the new DTM turbo engines.

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