Munich II public prosecutor concludes regulatory offences proceedings by issuing administrative order imposing a fine (Bußgeldbescheid) / AUDI AG accepts the fine and, by doing so, admits its responsibility

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Munich II public prosecutor concludes regulatory offences proceedings by issuing administrative order imposing a fine (Bußgeldbescheid) / AUDI AG accepts the fine and, by doing so, admits its responsibility

  • Administrative order imposes a fine of EUR 800 million due to deviations from regulatory requirements in the context of certain V6 and V8 diesel aggregates and diesel vehicles manufactured or distributed by AUDI AG
  • Regulatory offences proceedings conducted against AUDI AG by Munich II public prosecutor will thus be finally terminated
  •  AUDI AG accepts the fine and, by doing so, admits its responsibility

The Munich II public prosecutor today issued an administrative order against AUDI AG in its capacity as affected party (Betroffene) pursuant to sections 30 para. 1, 130 para. 1 of the German Act on Regulatory Offences (Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz – OWiG) in the context of deviations from regulatory requirements in certain V6 and V8 diesel aggregates and diesel vehicles manufactured or distributed by AUDI AG. As a result of the administrative order imposing the fine, the active regulatory offence proceedings conducted by the Munich II public prosecutor against AUDI AG will be finally terminated. Considering these special items the Audi Group will significantly undercut major financial key performance indicators forecasted for the fiscal year 2018.


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