One Lap of America: Project One Lap – Update #3

By -

May 4, 2007

Source: Project One Lap

One Lap of America: Project One Lap - Update #3Well, Ed (transit b!tch aka Mr Pink) had a rough night last night. Suffice it to say he had a tough morning this morning. I picked up Kasim for the airport last night and after hanging out with Ed and meeting the other B5 S4 guys, we hit the sack very late. Unfortunately Ed’s “Crackberry” came to haunt us again, this time with an alarm going off at 5:30am and ringing every 10 minutes. After Kasim and I threw it back and forth a few times, Kasim finally took the battery out of it.

We rolled out of bed at 10am, well, Kasim and I did, Ed stayed in bed a little later. Kasim and I registered at Tire Rack and passed Tech, put all the stickers on the car, ate lunch etc. Then we grabbed Ed and went to the drivers meeting. Then it was back to the hotel for a catered dinner and open bar. One last trip to Walmart to buy a tarp since it’s supposed to rain tomorrow and we’re back in the room to hit the sack early. Ed’s evil “crackberry” will be turned off!


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