2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled

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Old 01-08-2009, 07:59 PM
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Default 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled

At the Jan 7th, 2009 BoD meeting the ACNA elected its officers from the Board:

Bruce Bradigan, President
Kent Anderson, Vice Presiedent
Mary Ayers, Secratary
Steve Earley, Treasurer

Also, Bill Congo was appointed to fill Matt Hull's vacant position for the remainder of Matt's term.
Old 01-09-2009, 06:42 AM
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Default Re: 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled

Well, that is terrible news indeed.
Old 01-09-2009, 08:49 AM
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Who is Bill Congo?
Old 01-11-2009, 03:42 AM
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Default Re: 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled


Why do you say that?

Take Care,
Old 01-11-2009, 10:22 AM
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Default Re: 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled

I think its best to let the record of what's happened over the past few months and years stand on its own Bruce. I like to deal in facts. I wouldn't want anything I might say to be mistaken for an opinion.

Are there any hens left in the foxhouse?
Old 01-11-2009, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled


Okay. If you ever want an explanation from me of anything I might done or might know about please let me know.

Give my best to Bonnie.

Take Care,
Old 01-11-2009, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled


I'm not sure that such a public forum is quite appropriate for a what could be a lengthy discussion between two men that might cover as much as more than two years of history. One of my last "discussions" with you was an email dated March 14, 2007 in which you explained that it was your decision alone to "Blacklist" me from registering for an NEQ event and how you thought my attendance would put your event at risk. You explained how you felt I had an agenda that might be inappropriate. I asked if you felt you were giving me a fair shake.

I've got nothing to hide, but others may not be so interested in our "dirty laundry." However, since I have your attention (and it is most welcome), one of my good friends who has read this thread has asked me to ask you the following:

I think Bruce would do well to provide a reason behind the bannings, the banishments, the abrupt two-face and how he treated both you and Bonnie.

Further, he insists:

All you gotta do is let him know and he'll tell you why he did what he did.

The only problem with answering that question here is that you would want to tell the whole story and not leave anything out. That would take volumes and to do any less would not be fair to either of us Further you do not have access to or even understand the FULL story because some of what transpired happened before your tenure at the NEQ and has been hidden from you. It would HAVE to be since some of that knowledge base would be derived from NEQ Executive Sessions, that by rule, you could not know.

So, in the final analysis, if you were to present an argument as to why your decisions were correct and honorable, they would, at best, be incomplete, and at worst be incorrect perhaps through no fault of your own.

Perhaps I spoke too quickly when I used the word "terrible" in my post. I admit that I have dismissed you as arrogant and misinformed. I have assumed that as an NEQ Board Member that you have gone along with their numerous violations of their own bylaws, the ACNA Code of Ethics and mistreatment of ACNA members.

Perhaps I was wrong.

Since we last interacted I have become a father for the second time and still live in a home where my elderly parents have an apartment. Although I still mismanage my own time which is no end of frustration to my lovely wife I realize that time is more precious than ever.
As I age (46 next week) I also realize that each and every one of us has obligations and complications in life that relative strangers could not possibly know.

I say these things because I realize your time and efforts are no less valuable than my own. However, as President of the ACNA you have been presented with an unusual opportunity to wield executive power in a way that can help heal the organizations.

I've put a lot of sweat and tears into my local Audi clubs (including much service to the NEQ) over more than a decade and I would welcome the opportunity to discuss the FUTURE. I have some suggestions that might help you be able to effect change that will make local chapters, remaining members, and ex-members feel like they have a voice and a stake in the greater organization.

Surely, if you have the time to discuss the past with me, you can make the time to discuss the future in order to effect positive change. I promise to listen if you will honor me with the same privilege. I will do my best to accomodate your schedule if you will do the same and I am willing to travel if it means meeting half-way.

I would further welcome and encourage other participants that you or I would like to invite.
There is too much knowledge available, too many good people willing to work, too much to lose, and precious little risk in trying to do the right thing.

I am extending my hand, will you?

Please allow me to leave you with a quote from John Foster Dulles:

"The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it's the same problem you had last year."
Old 01-12-2009, 04:24 AM
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Default Re: 2009 ACNA Officer election, and vacant BoD position filled

I have to apologize, I guess I was feeling charitable late last night when I wrote my last post. If I have that kind of time available I should be spending it where the rubber meets the road with the good people still left in the ACNA, and with my wife, kids, and parents. I would be happy to help you facilitate a meeting between you and whoever else has the time and energy to go down this road. My trust in the ACNA has been broken so many times I guess my confidence in a postive outcome is really at an all time low and I'm not convinced any energy I might put in is a good use of my time or limited resources. I guess that's part of the uphill battle you'll be challenged with as the new ACNA President.

I guess I do still have the same problem I had last year... along with many, many others.

I welcome other concerned folks to contribute to this thread and ask the hard questions.

Paul Royal
Old 01-12-2009, 08:12 AM
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Default Since the ACNA president is being so forthright....

...something I am very appreciative about, I have a question or two.

Last March, I filed a formal complaint with the ACNA about the banning of Mike Collier from a NEQ event. I never formally heard back from them. I only heard tell that it was rejected because Robert's Rules stated that the ACNA could not accept complaints from advocates. Of course, the person that stated this was the very person who the complaint was filed against: Steve Earley. Robert's Rules specifically states that such complaints should not only be accepted, they should be encouraged.
So, my questions are: why is this banning accepted practice with the NEQ? Are you going to continue this practice with the ACNA? Why is Mr. Earley allowed to dictate the policies and procedures of the ACNA when he continually mistates policy in his own favor?

Oh, and here's the complaint:

Dear ACNA Board of Directors,

At the risk of being accused of stirring the pot or opening old wounds, I find that I must once again bring a situation to your attention; in this case, one that directly involves one of the members of the 2008 ACNA Board of Directors. It is a situation that you probably all are aware of, at least on some level. However, the latest occurrences in this long pattern of behavior are ones that I can no longer sit and ignore.

As you know, since the formation of the NAAC, there has been friction between the NEQ and the NAAC. With no notification, explanation or formal process, the NEQ has routinely banned NAAC members from attending or participating in their ACNA events, either as instructors, students, guests, or at all levels of participation. Among those currently blacklisted are Paul Royal, Ray Tomlinson, Bonnie Royal and now, it comes to light, Mike Collier. (Scott Downs, though banned from setting foot at any NEQ event, at least had the `benefit' of standing before the NEQ board so that they could tell him, to his face, that he was not welcome for the remainder of his life.)

It is the blackballing of Mike Collier that has finally driven me to take vocal exception to this practice and those that perpetrate it.

Given that Mike is a former ACNA director, many of you have worked with him and know that he is a man of character, dedication, achievement and, above all, one who holds honesty as paramount in all his dealings. He is also not one to complain, nor to broach ill comment about anybody. When asked, however, Mike will speak the truth, regardless of where it leads, but he is not one to take to the soapbox.

Mike has been striving to mend some of the rifts between the NEQ and the NAAC. He has established a dialogue between our clubs, even going so far as to ask Bruce Wiggett, President of the NEQ, to be a mentor for the newer NAAC driving instructors. On February 8, 2008, after previously contacting Mr. Wigget about instructing at the NEQ winter driving school at the Team O'Neil facility in Dalton NH on Feb 9, Mike called Mr. Wigget to confirm. Mr. Wiggett was a little hesitant but Mike assured him that he just wanted to assist in any way possible and that he viewed this as a means of taking more steps in rebuilding relations between our clubs. Mr. Wiggett thought this was terrific and told Mike to come on up, his presence and help were more than welcome. Mr. Wiggett went so far as to arrange for Mike to caravan with him from the hotel to Team O'Neil.

Not half an hour later after enthusiastically inviting Mike, Mr. Wiggett called back and sheepishly left a message stating that Mike was, in fact, not welcome to attend the NEQ winter driving school. Not only was Mike not welcome, if he did show up, he would be told to leave.

Mike was naturally taken aback by this turn of events and left wondering what could have brought on such an about-face. When they connected later that evening, Mike asked why he was un-invited. Mr. Wiggett, to his credit, told Mike exactly what had transpired. The reason Mr. Wiggett gave was that Steve Earley, the same Steve Earley that currently sits on the ACNA BoD and Executive Committee, had heard that Mike Collier had been invited to the school. Mr. Earley told Mr. Wiggett, in no uncertain terms, to call Mike back and un-invite him. Mr. Earley stressed that he, personally, forbade Mr. Collier from attending, assisting or even appearing at the school. Mr. Wiggett told Mike that Mr. Earley's exact words were "Collier or me. One of us will be leaving."

Naturally, as head driving instructor for the NEQ, the event could not be run without Mr. Earley. So Mr. Wiggett was left with the sad duty of making the reprehensible phone call to Mike Collier.

Gentlemen, I don't need to remind you that, as ACNA Board of Director members, you are required to be held to a standard to which all members of the ACNA should strive. You are required to regard the Bylaws and Code of Ethics as scripture in all ACNA dealings. You are required to treat every member with dignity. Your business should be handled with the highest degree of integrity and you each are to operate with the highest of personal ethics.

So, I ask you, where are the ethics, morals, equity, dignity and integrity in Mr. Earley's behavior? Is this the kind of example that the ACNA BoD hopes to set as acceptable? Is this the model behavior of somebody who is placed in charge of the Policies and Procedures? Why would an ACNA Director threaten to walk out of an event that he was an organizer of, simply because a member who had every right to attend, was granted that permission by a co-organizer? And why would Mr. Earley not grant Mike the dignity of telling him why personally, instead giving that sad duty to Mr. Wiggett? On so many levels, this appears to be a violation of so much of the ACNA code of ethics that I find it difficult to enumerate them.

Yet, it does not stop there. On March 8, the NEQ held an instructors clinic for all NEQ instructors. The clinic featured Larry Boyer as the speaker, along with sessions on safety, instructor candidates and dealing with aggressive students. The NAAC president, Peter Barada, attempted to sign himself up, along with Mike Collier and Paul Royal; all of whom have been NEQ instructors without complaint or incident. Mr. Barada was informed, by Mr. Earley, that although there was plenty of open room, the event was by invitation only. Of the three, only Mr. Barada would be allowed to attend. Mr. Collier and Mr. Royal were succinctly not on the invitation list.

As Co-chair of the ACNA policies and procedures committee, I would expect Mr. Earley to be more familiar with the ACNA code of ethics or, at the very least, the meaning and application of the Golden Rule. Instead, Mr. Earley has displayed a consistent pattern of disrespect, discourtesy and personal vindictiveness for a number of well respected ACNA members as well as countless voices that have gone unheard. This behavior continues even after taking a place on the National Board of Directors as well as a position on the ACNA Executive committee. In my opinion, with the un-invitation of Mike Collier, Mr. Earley's behavior has crossed the line into blatant and open abuse of position and office.

Mike Collier, as anybody who has worked with him knows, is a dedicated, focused ACNA leader who takes his duties seriously. He is not one to complain or politicize. I only found out about these incidents because he informed the NAAC Board of Directors as he felt it had a direct effect on inter-club relations. Mike did not want to take it any further than the NAAC board. I, and others, do not share that feeling. Mr. Earley has been allowed to continue his vindictive behavior long enough and it must stop immediately.

I informed Mike that I wanted to bring this before the ACNA board and he told me to go right ahead. I asked if he would back up what he told the NAAC BoD and he said that he absolutely would do so. If there are questions that any of you have about these incidents or even about Mike's original grievance filed with the ACNA BoD under Keith Anderson, you have permission to contact Mike directly. His cell phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Of course, you may decide that this is something that is not worth pursuing or rectifying, as was the case with Mike's original grievance, along with the three others filed by members of the NAAC (not coincidentally Paul Royal, Bonnie Royal and Ray Tomlinson). As the ACNA BoD, you are empowered to make that decision, but if that is indeed the case, please tell me directly so that I may inform Mike and the board of the NAAC. You might want to tell all the chapter reps too, so that they may inform their respective boards and members. That way, nobody will be surprised or complain when it happens to them.

As Mr. Wiggett told Mike during their un-invitation conversation, the problem does not lie with Paul Royal, Bonnie Royal or Mike Collier, the problem starts with Mr. Earley himself.

Good day,

Jonathan Porath
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Old 01-12-2009, 02:15 PM
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Possibly the first item the President of the ACNA should do is finish the previous "OPEN" business

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