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Insurance settlement question...

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Old 07-20-2005, 12:19 PM
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Default And you saw this where in the post that is in question?

More than I have pointed out to you that your point is pretty off.

Every single post here, except for yours, finds the $200-500 settlement as low and most assert they should get a lawyer.

You're view is in the large minority and your uninformed personal attack was ridiculous.

Mike S
Old 07-20-2005, 01:05 PM
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Default Believe the going rate is 33 1/3. . . if have to go to trial it's usually 50%. . .

or if it's a small case or of questionable liability.. . a smart attorney might charge you 50% plus your Audi!
Old 07-20-2005, 01:45 PM
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Default This is an online forum and you are a tool.

What makes you think you know me? I have never met you and I don't intend to anytime soon. Don't assume you know me from my posts.

First off, we are "posting" on an online public forum. People on here don't know anything about you and probably don't care to either. We don't have intimate knowledge of your insurance history and current policies.

All I have to go on is your post. That's it. One set of words that I get to interpret without any physical gestures, vocal tones, or situational influences. So, before you get all bent out of shape about my "interpretation" of your original post, think about that. It sounded
to me at the time, like you were the kind of person that tries to milk every penny out of a situation whether you deserve it or not. That's
what I got from it, maybe not exactly what you intended. Either way, I don't agree with that. If you didn't mean that, then I retract my

You said: "But I can accurately make the assertion that you are a fabricating fool who throws his opinion out in antagonistic posts with
NONE of the experience necessary to judge the subject of your post." Aren't we all posting our opinions here? Correct me if I'm wrong (I
know you will), but is there any fact in your post? Do you know exactly the situation with the guy's wife? Are you involved in the case? Let
me answer for you: NO. So, really, nobody on the forum has the "experience necessary to judge the subject of your post", right? Am I out of line here? I'm sorry I did not hire a private investigator to gain all the "necessary" background on your life and insurance history
to make an accurate assessment of your post. I guess I'm a fool because of that, huh?

I don't care if you have 19 insurance policies and have never sued anyone. I'm sorry that you have had bad luck with accidents and other
issues, that's not my problem. I was thinking that maybe someone with so much track experience like your 300 hours on Nurburgring in your
rental Jetta would be able to avoid more accidents - I guess not.

Oh yeah, Nikon sucks. That is all.
Old 07-20-2005, 01:58 PM
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Default thanks for the comments, more info inside...

Thanks for the insight from people that have BTDT (sadly for all of us). Some more info:

* Wife was not, what I consider (and I am not a medical professional), seriously injured. She was sore and stiff and visited her doctors twice regarding the accident to make sure she was okay with respect to internal bleeding and the like.
* She has medical insurance, yes, thank goodness.
* I did feel that the insurance company was trying to throw some tiny cash amount to me to settle up.
* I knew I had time to close the claim and was waiting mostly on my wife's health to be more certain.

* The car was a virgin before the accident ('00 2.8q tip) and sustained about $10-$12k of damage. Not considered a total. Was repaired very nicely, IMHO.
* I consider the rental issue to be a legitimate claim.

I agree with most folks here that I have a several thousand claim on my hands. I am NOT trying to milk them, just trying to recover the *real* costs associated with their client trying to drive through my wife.

The hardest thing to reconcile is the fact that my wife is incredibly tense now while in the car and panics whenever we are following closer than 4 seconds on the highway. She is a much more anxious driver now, and that is hard to put into dollar terms.

Thanks again for the advice, and yes, I know most of you aren't lawyers .
Old 07-20-2005, 03:58 PM
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Default Lets see. More personal attacks! Par for the course. What a dimented post.

I never said I met you, sir, I said I know who you are. I know for a fact that you are loose with details (to be covered below) and speak of which you do not know. That has been proven in your two ridiculous and embarassing to yourself posts.

Apparently you have some ill will towards me, as you turned a conversation about an accident in which I answered a post to a person who requested comment into "Nikon Sucks", "Nurburgring" and "rental Jetta" comments.

You've never met me, by your own words. So what's your problem?

Why the personal attack? I've never done a thing to you. Never met you, never spoken ill about you, never argued with you, never slammed you. Not a bit

What do the above mentioned stupid and unrelated attacks have to do with the issue at hand (car accident settlements) ?

You jump all over the place with personal attacks and I'm the "tool". as you called me? Your comments say SOOO much more about the author than the subject.

Here's the facts as to the topcs you brought up and a review of my photographic history:

- As for my driving experience, I am a retired Skip Barber instructor, having worked at both the Lime Rock and Road America facilities. We are talking about rear end accidents, not my past life or experiences, but you brough this up in your tirade.

- As a Barber instructor with race experience and FIA , IMSA and SCCA licenses, as well as having worked in courts across America as an expert witnessin automotive claims, I likely am a far more advanced and experienced driver than you are. Want to post your experinece? Apparently this bothers you, as you slammed my driving for asserting I was rear ended before. Sure, I've been rear ended. On the track, on the street. But never been hurt and never sued a soul. Hmmmm. Rear ended = lack of skill in your world? I guess Schumacher, Andretti and Alonso are skill free as well.

- 300 hour on the Ring? I've never said that, as I don't have 300 hours on the Ring (2,800 miles yes, 300 hours, no) and I have never driven a Jetta on the Ring (and never said I did as well). Again, so loose with the facts. Actually, it's pure fabrication on your pat.

- Then you bring Nikon into it. What in the heck does my camera choice have to do with this conversation? Another seriously strange personal attack and way off topic. Seriously, you are off the wall strange.

- Should I comment on NO REDUCTION? Should I attack you for the problems expressed with NO REDUCTION on this forum? For the quality of your images (sharpening tool; anyone?) Kimchee has always been cool. He and I have written together in many posts, always commenting to each other is positive ways. What the heck is your problem?

Should I comment on all the "customers' whining "where is my CD" on AW? Is carving a CD so difficult? Apparently it is, as many reported about the "big cd burning debacle".

As for my photo career, I am content and happy and my awards, accolades and success speak for themselves. As one of the 12 Credential Formula One Photoraphers, a hard card holder in CHAMP CAR, IRL, IMSA (ALMS) and as someone who works regularly for Audi AG, BMW and Porsche Cars NA, I'm doing OK.

- As the head North American photographer for FIFA, the world soccer govenring body, as well as Mia Hamm's personal photographer since 1997, I'm doing alright in my field.

- As one of only eleven US credentialed photographers to cover every olympics since 1992, I'm enjoying life. Covering every World Cup since 1994, both women's and mens, has been exciting and profitable.

- Having over 1,000 advertisements in print with the likes of companies such as Nike, adidas, Reebok, Welches, Nestle, Powerade, Gatorade, Nabisco, Audi, BMW, Porsche, and many more, I'm having fun.

- Being the Director of Photography for the MLS Chicago Fire from 1998-2002 and the US Soccer Federation from 1994-1998, as well as working for the Chicago Bulls from 1995-1998 as an associate photographer, I'm lucky to have seen and been involved in many special moments.

- Working for Newman-Haas, TRD, Ganassi, Walker Racing and being Sarah Fisher's personal photographer for three years, was worth all the effort. Last year, we were offered and turned down three additional Champ Car gigs. Herdez, Rusport and Rocksports respectively.

- Owning a multinational photography company that has taken me to 64 countries and 41 states, has been fun. Having over 200 magazine covers, 8 Wheaties boxes, 50+ calendars, 200+ books, photos on CD's, in video games, on billboards, on TV shows, in movies, and in documentaries, I think I'm doing alright.

- Winning over 80 international photography awards in my 13 professional years, including "Best Alternative Sports Photograph" at the 1996 Olympics, "Fuji Sports Photographer of the Year" in 1998 and "Best Photo of the Cup" award at the 1998 World Cup, I am proud.

- Having four photos on the World Press Tour from 1996-2005, made me happy as well.

- Being selected to work on the White House Press Corp under Clinton from 1995-2000, was choice as well.

- Being chosen as "Director of Motorsports Imagery" by Time-Life Pictures, and having my images appear in Sports Ilustrated, Time, Fortune (all Time pubs) has been great.

And all of this with Nikon equipment! With your "superior" Canon equipment, I bet I would have done soooooooo much better. ; ) Please.

- I am sponsored by Nikon. My images and work appear in their marketing materials. Canon tried to switch me via sponsorship during a one hour meeting at the World Press Center at the Athens Olympics. They weren't even close to our Nikon deal. If you were sponsored by Canon, perhaps a lens above 200mm would be in your collection? Repairs and cleanings, picked up and returned in 96 hours or less at Nikon cost. Canon doing that for you?

- Lowepro also sponsors us with unlimited product and catalog and trade show representation. Your gear sponsor is?

- Being names "The Official Photographic Agency of the Audi Club North America" made Leslie and I happy as well.

No.Brazil, when you've attained anywhere near what I have in the automotive and photographic worlds, get back in touch. Otherwise, insulting someone who could and WOULD have helped you with credentialing and access to about any event you could imagine, regardless of the subject. was stupid. I have helped start countless photographers, even getting AW posters credentials to F1, Champ Car, ALMS, IRL and many more.

But back to the topic.

Why you'd choose to jump to conclusions on your first post, attacking me as a person with inaccurate info, then be pissed at me FOR LISTING THE FACTS of my situation and defending myself, and then taking it to a new level with your off topic tirade and personal attacks, I do not know.

Why are you so angry? Why did you go off topic by mile to slam me, my professional driving experience and my camera choice? Very, very strange.

My personal favorite quote from your posts was this line:

"What makes you think you know me? I have never met you and I don't intend to anytime soon. Don't assume you know me from my posts."

OMG. Besides rude, antagonistic and assuming, you are now a hypocrite beyond proportions. You had no problem assuming to know me from your posts, making the statement:

"You sound like the kind of person that milks cases for every penny, even when the person is not hurt. You are why insurance premiums are so high."

So, you feel it fair to ASSUME that I am a person who milks cases for every penny, even when I have never been hurt in a car accident as you insinuate and then you go on to accuse me of being the type of person who raises insurance premiums! What? Can you be more strange? Can you make any further leaps of logic?

As the famous quote goes, "Ignorance knows no bounds". I have professionally FFOUGHT false claims in court as an expert witness, and I have never sued anyone from a traffic accident (or for anything else, for clarities sake). These are the facts, not silly assumptions base on a topic line post.

Then you even went on to say "I was thinking that maybe someone with so much track experience like your 300 hours on Nurburgring in your rental Jetta would be able to avoid more accidents - I guess not."

Where did I EVER say I was not able to avoid an accident and was hurt in the same? Again, there you go assuming and just plain making stuff up. Jetta, false.300 hours, false, accident with injury, false. Notice a pattern?

Seriously. Try taking a course in reading comprehension, right after your anger management course is over.

Your first post was assuming, poor and antagonistic, but your second one was borderline paranoid and very strange.

Take a deep breath, commander off-topic-personal attack, and recongnize you were way off base.

Mike S
Old 07-20-2005, 04:11 PM
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I think you are taking this too far. I'm going to e-mail.
Old 07-20-2005, 04:12 PM
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Default Yah, NO BRAZIL, that's what I thought. Delete away.


Mike S
Old 07-20-2005, 04:19 PM
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Default Exactly as I thought and denoted. The "fear factor" is a tough one to overcome.

As you said and all but NO.BRAZIL noted, she certainly deserves more than $200-500 for the problems caused by the accident.

Good luck.

Mike S
Old 07-20-2005, 07:00 PM
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Default He deserved to be "owned". He jumped WAY off topic, went deep into personal attacks

and was the only person on the entire threat who felt the way he did, let alone went off topic on personal attacks.

Too many people like to throw punches, but cannot stand to be counter punched.

Too bad he deleted my threat (by deleting his), as I pointed out false statements and claims, and cited how WAY far off topic he ran in his profane, name calling personal attacks.

I think once I pointed out the potential detriments of slamming someone who is far more experienced and accomplished in the same field he is trying to build his name in, he thought better of leaving up all his comments. Hmmm, first smart thing he did.

Hell, I hire photographers all over he world all the time for photo shoots we just don't have the staff to handle. Guess who I crossed off that list?

Deleting was a bit too late, though. I had already copied his text and had sent it to many friends in the pro photo world. Many laughs were had.

Sadly, I still have no idea why he went off he handle in the first place. I''ve been told he likes to play internet bully. I've never backed down to bullies and wasn't going to start today.

Kimchee, tone of his partners, has always been cool to talk and debate photography with, politely. What NO BRAZIL's deal is, I'll never know.

Strange AW experience, for sure.

Mike S
Old 07-20-2005, 08:56 PM
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Default I played nicely from the start. Calling someone you don't know sue happy and

saying they are the type of person that causes insurance rates to be so high is insane and insulting.

Then, when this was pointed out to him, he jumps to how I don't know him and cannot judge him! Hmmm, Hypocrite?

Then he goes on to slam me for by making stupid jokes about my experience on the Nürburgring and using Nikon equipment, not apparently knowing I am a Barber Race Level instructor and a professional photographer sponsored by Nikon.

Again, he was reaching and coming up empty.

I never used profanity or stooped to a low level.

Sadly, he went off topic and slammed me for responding that I thought $200-500 for the accident above was too little, which was everyone elses opinion as well.

If he had intellect, he would have never have made such stupid posts. If he had integrity, he wouldn't have deleted the posts, but left his idiotic posts for others to see.

But brains apparently beat out bravado and he made the politically right decision.

Too bad he didn't start that way from the top.

KRS, you ever been slammed inaccurately about personal details of your life and business, called a sue happy person who is a problem of society, and all from a person you've never met and have no common friends with (he garnered all his info from the net, undoubtedly).

It's angering and frustrating to have someome lie about you, let alone attack you without merit.

Take care,

Mike S

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