From the ACNA National Board of Directors to the members of the Rocky Mountain Chapter

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Old 03-26-2008, 07:43 PM
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Default I know that...but Reggie got it from someone...

I wish he would pipe in. He never said that National said it was ok to sent out this communique to anyone..the letter/email itself said that.
Old 03-26-2008, 07:45 PM
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Default And who are you?

Porrigehead just doesnt give enough details.
Old 03-26-2008, 08:03 PM
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Default Member 18443, at your service.

Jonathan Porath is my given name.

Porridgehead is an appellation given to me due to a penchant for writing about the ridiculous. Oddly enough, it still seems to suit a lot of what I write about, even when I'm serious.
Old 03-26-2008, 08:36 PM
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The email was sent to me and I sent it to reggie. From what I was told it was in the process of going before the bod to make a decision on whether they would send it out. Apparently there wasn't enough time to bring it up before the board. So it was not sent out through the email database. The first paragraph should have been edited out.

Since it wasn't sent out does that mean the main body of the letter is false?

**offending paragraph edited out**

<<<<<<March 10, 2008
To the Membership of ACNA, Rocky Mountain Chapter:
We, the undersigned, are asking for your votes to become elected members of the RMC Board of Directors. While we appreciate what the current, unelected board has done to increase membership and activities in the chapter, we take issue with several of their actions.
We would like to point out items that we support and believe are important to the successful operation of our club. We ask you to carefully consider our positions and be the judge of whom you want to lead your club.
If you agree with us, please return your ballot marked with the following names:
Bergman, Gary
Darling, Bill
Darling, Dawn
Gruenler, Don
Koerner, Larry
Metcalf, Will
In brief, here is what we support:

Open board meetings in which any member, not just the board members, is allowed and encouraged to attend 100% transparency with respect to the board's activities and decisions, especially concerning finances High Plains Raceway and Colorado Amateur Motorsports Associates (CAMA) Steamboat Winter Driving School Driver education for all levels.

If you are already convinced, please go now and mark your ballot for the following six candidates, put it in the envelope, put a 41¢ stamp on it, and mail it. (Remember, ballots must be postmarked by March 21, so do it now.) If you want more information, please read
the detail on the following pages.)

Thank you for your support,
Gary Bergman, #1380
Bill Darling, #1650
Dawn Darling, #1650
Don Gruenler, Life Member #178
Larry Koerner, #5464
Will Metcalf, #2380
Some More Information and Background on the Issues...

Open Board Meetings - Even though the current board of directors was selfappointed, they have discouraged other members from attending the board meetings. When Bill Darling attended a meeting at a local library, the board asked what he was doing there. This will not happen if we are on the elected board. Any member will be encouraged to attend and their input will be heard. Further, minutes of the meetings will be made available to the membership.

100% Financial Transparency - We don't know where the chapter's money has gone and how it is accounted for. Perhaps everything is in order. Many of you will remember the fundraiser with Randy Pobst and Michael Gallati that was held in the summer of 2004 at Second Creek Raceway for the sole purpose of generating funds to build a new motorsports track. (Larry Koerner, Don Gruenler, Bill and Dawn Darling, and Will Metcalf donated their cars for the event.) Approximately $6,400 was raised and deposited into the RMC bank account. This money should have been sent to High Plains Raceway / CAMA to help fund the new track. The current board has refused to
release the money and to date has not provided any adequate reason for not doing so.

We must ask: Where is the money? We believe that financial reporting to the membership is of utmost importance.

High Plains Raceway / Colorado Amateur Motorsports Associates - CAMA is composed of five members: PCA Rocky Mountain, SCCA Colorado Region, Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing LTD, Motorcycle Road Racing Association, and the Multi-car Clubs Alliance (MCCA). MCCA has eight member clubs, including ACNA-RMC. These clubs voted to delegate CAMA as the organization to collect funds with the intent of building a new motorsports track - High Plains Raceway. This new track can only be used by members of CAMA. The member clubs appear to be able to fill a projected 32 week season thereby excluding non-members from its use. CAMA called for additional
cash from its member clubs to build the racetrack. ACNA-RMC's share would have been approximately $6,250 (1/8 of $50,000 from MCCA). On April 7, 2007 RMC's unelected board voted 4 to 3 "to withdraw from membership in the Multi-Car Clubs Alliance thereby unconditionally surrendering any and all past, present and future rights that might accrue to the Chapter as a member of MCCA." Those voting to withdraw were Dean Esmail, Kasim Esmail, David Wright, and Steve Paolini, all of whom are candidates for the new board.

These persons, who without consulting the membership of RMC, would preclude you as an ACNA member from being able to use High Plains Raceway, even though your track fees that were paid to Second Creek Raceway in the past provided a portion of the funding for it. Fortunately, eight members of RMC, including all of those signing this letter, have contributed $8,000 to MCCA under the name of "High Plains Drifters". After consultation with ACNA national board of directors this group became the official representatives of ACNA at MCCA with full voting rights and drawing rights for track days at High Plains. We put down our money so that our
club could use this new, Denver area, track which has now been approved.

Steamboat Winter Driving School - The truth is, due to violations at the 2007 event, and poor and/or mis-communications with members of the current board and the Bridgestone School, we almost lost our weekend for 2008. Further, the violations put Bridgestone in jeopardy of losing their lease on the property. As many of us believe that the Winter Driving School is RMC's premier driving event, losing it would have been a disaster. The Steamboat school is the reason that Dawn and Bill Darling joined the club in 1992. Those of you who have attended the Steamboat Winter Driving School will agree that there is nothing else like it. Fortunately, Don Gruenler was able to assure Mark ***, the Bridgestone School Director, that we would hold a safe event in compliance with Bridgestone's, and Routt County's, rules and laws. A great event was held this year under the direction of Don Gruenler, Gary Bergman, and Scott Davis. Bill
Darling, Dawn Darling, Larry Koerner, and Will Metcalf assisted in exercises and instruction. Don Gruenler has secured ACNA-RMC a weekend for the sold-out 2009 Bridgestone season.

Driver Education for All Levels - We believe that driver education is fundamental to our club. We support track days at all the regional venues: Miller Motorsports, La Junta, Pueblo, Steamboat, Georgetown Lake, and soon, High Plains Raceway. We have a long history as members and instructors with the club and enjoy helping new members increase their driving skills and have fun with their Audis. Many of us have come up the ranks from novices to instructors and are pleased when others do the same. We encourage all ages, from teenagers to adults to attend our safety seminars to become better drivers.

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our positions on these important
issues to our club.>>>>>>

Again the link from another forum with more discussion.
Old 03-26-2008, 11:31 PM
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Old 03-27-2008, 06:21 AM
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Default Here is at least one other false statement in the letter

Besides the opening paragraph, the letter goes on to say that the High Plains Raceway "can only be used by members of CAMA." Later, the letter states "These persons, who without consulting the membership of RMC, would preclude you as an ACNA member from being able to use High Plains Raceway"

If you review the business plan on the High Plains web site, you will find the following statement:

<blockquote>"CAMA will request that the five member clubs create a second entity to lease the facility from CAMA, and to equip and operate the track. This entity would, in turn, rent the facility to the member clubs and others to conduct their motor sports events."</blockquote>

When I submitted this question, "Will any organization be able to rent the facility or will it be available exclusively to member clubs?," using the High Plains web site, I received the following reply from Robert Alder:

<blockquote>"As you probably know, the track is being built, owned, and used by the clubs themselves. Obviously, as such, they will have first call on race dates as the owners of the track. If the old Second Creek Raceway is any indication, the clubs will book most of the weekends, but undoubted not all weekends. Those weekends will be available for other clubs or organizations to rent the facility. The downside for those clubs is, of course, that the owner-clubs will have first call on the schedule. However, most clubs set their entire schedules for the coming year (including their HPR dates) in the fall so that available weekends will be known by late fall or winter and anyone wishing to rent the track for any open weekends during the coming season will be absolutely welcome.

As to weekday rentals, that too is a real possibility. There's a commitment to make the track available for Test &amp; Tune (to most anyone), but beyond that, the track will be much more available for non-weekend rentals. For instance, some team owner might rent the track for a day or two exclusively for their use. The same could apply to any club or organization.

As to rental rate, non-owners will pay a "going market rate" for track rental (whatever that winds up being) whereas the clubs may enjoy a somewhat lower rate given their investment in and ownership of the facility.

But, to answer your question, there will be open weekend for other clubs to rent the facility."</blockquote>

From these statements, it is obvious that any organization will be able to use the High Plains Raceway, including the Audi Club, leading me to believe that the members/candidates mentioned did nothing that would prevent any member of the Audi Club from being able to use the High Plains Raceway.
Old 03-27-2008, 07:04 AM
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Default Why don't you quote the letter properly?

You're not doing your arguement any good by skewing it with only partial quotes. Here's the crucial part you conveniently skipped:

" The member clubs appear to be able to fill a projected 32 week season thereby excluding non-members from its use."

If they don't fill the season, sure, you may be able to get access to the track. However, if the member clubs fill the season, you are out of luck.

But, thanks to the High Plains Drifters, who comprise Don and the rest of the signers of the letter, you are assured access. They are the official ACNA reps, MCCA members and are qualified to draw days as members. Any discount they are qualified for also gets passed on.

If you get on the track, it would be nice of you to thank them for it.

And just for the record, as a personal note, don't partial quote me ever again.
Old 03-27-2008, 07:19 AM
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Default So that's how the letter got out!

Thanks for coming forth about it. I appreciate it.
Old 03-27-2008, 07:58 AM
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Default Unless you are the author of the letter, I never partial quoted you.

As for weekends being unavailble to other clubs because they will be filled with member clubs, that is just speculation at this point and cannot be considered fact.

The fact is that the Audi Club and its members will be able to utilize the facility, which is a direct contradiction to the letter which states:

<blockquote>"This new track can only be used by members of CAMA."</blockquote>
Old 03-27-2008, 08:43 AM
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Default Yes, yes you did.

From the point where it says "From the sounds of things..."

You never finished my sentence.

Regardless of what I said, what about what you just said about the track and Don?

There's an easy way to find out who is speaking out of the side of their mouth here. When the track opens, have the High Plains Drifters reserve the days that the feel are best at the price that they can get. Have Dean reserve the days he can get at the price he can get. Then have the members vote on which ones they'd prefer.

Simple enough?

I still want to know where the money went. I'm waiting for an answer Boki. It's a direct question and should be easy enough for you to find out.<ul><li><a href=""></a</li></ul>

Quick Reply: From the ACNA National Board of Directors to the members of the Rocky Mountain Chapter

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