6 Reasons to get Mom an Audi for Mother's Day

The Audi brand prides itself on an effortlessly elegant style and driving feel. If your mom needs a new car, an Audi could be the perfect thing to surprise her with.

By Conor Fynes - May 12, 2017

1. World-famous drivability

Let's say you're in the market to potentially get your mom something new for the road. You want something classy, but ultimately easy on the driver. When it comes to a remarkable ease of use, nothing beats an Audi. One the higher end of the price spectrum, it is surprising that Audi is among so few that really nail that golden balance between coolness and accessibility. In any case, by getting your mom an Audi, you'll know she'll be in good company on the road. Any Audi owner can attest to the smooth drive feel of their cars. 

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2. Comfortable interiors

If your mom is going to be using a car, chances are she won't be signing on for the next nitrous-fueled drag racing bonanza. Rather, if we were to guess, she'll be taking her new Audi on more relaxed trips from Point A to B. Performance spec on a Sunday drive don't count for much, but comfort does. If the luxurious exteriors of Audi's designs weren't indication enough, the immaculate comfort felt while driving one should be all the convincing you'll need.

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3. Audi's quattro powertrain maximizes safety on the road

One of the quintessential aspects of most Audi models is the brand's rare insistence on an AWD quattro powertrain. The all-wheel format will helps to protect your mom against more nefarious road elements such as snow and potholes. It's not something you a casual to cars would probably notice, but the shift to the an all wheel drive imparts a long list of benefits a driver may not be so used to.

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4. Elegance counts for something

This fact is pure and simple: Audi cars look great. Thanks in part to the austere Bauhaus design philosophy that guided their earlier models, Audi have developed into a remarkably distinctive-looking auto brand. Are there all too many people out there that even dislike the Audi look to begin with? The smooth curves and brisk aerodynamic feel of the designs are an instant eye-catch. The trademark curves apply even to the basic SUVs in Audi's lineup. It isn't often that a brand carries such a unique touch running common throughout their products. Pure class.

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5. Audi offers great customer support

In keeping with the heightened expectations of any luxury brand, you can rest assured that Audi boasts a better level of customer service than the mainstays people tend to complain about. From their racing legends to weekly hopping mart runs, Audi are equally as proud to sponsor the travel of their customers. If you're worried your mom's future car will break down and you won't be able to help her yourself, Audi's licensed dealerships should be able to help her every step of the way.

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6. There's an Audi for practically everyone

Audi are technically on the upper-end of the industry with their performance cars. Although the luxury aspect affirms their place as such, there's never anything that feels particularly distant or unattainable about the Audi aesthetic. That golden ratio of accessibility is further compounded by Audi's wide variety of products. Everything from the highest-performing racing vehicles to family-friendly SUVs are part of the Audi family. If you have a clearer idea what your mom might be interested in driving, there's an Audi option for practically every choice.

>>Join the conversation about the coolness of Audi for Mom or anyone else in your family right here in the forum.

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