Top 7 Most Aesthetically Perfect Audi Designs

Audi are known for their sleek designs and efficiency of line, looking downright minimalist when compared to their contemporaries. Using the Bauhaus design philosophy of minimal trim or superfluous detailing, Audi has managed to create some cars with stunning looks, even while sticking to the tenet of "form follows function". While Audis tend to have a striking timeless quality to them, that timelessness is because the design is based in logic. In this respect, Audi may be seen as the most German of automakers.

By Conor Fynes - June 1, 2017
Audi Front UW 220
Audi F103
Audi TT
Audi Avus Quattro
Audi E-Tron Spyder
Audi R8C

1. Audi Front UW 220

The Audi Front 220 is the oldest vehicle on this list, but already shows the clean, efficient style they are still known for. The striking difference between the post-war Audis and the ones from mid-1930s like this one is as much based on the evolution of style, and the fact that Audi ceased production for several decades. The Front 220 was Audi's main product of the 30s, and sported a larger 6 cylinder engine compared to its predecessors, and front wheel drive for better bad weather traction. Audi hadn't developed their distinctive visual style yet, but it's worthwhile to note the Audi Front as an example of how they did things before the war.

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2. Audi F103

Compared to the Audi TT, the Audi F103 is more angular and boxy, but still quite clean and sleek for a vintage design manufactured between 1965-72. We can't help but feel a certain kind of awe for how good these cars manage to look, despite no real styling to speak of. Even though they're fairly indicative of a certain era, there's a lasting, timeless charm to the way they look. The Audi F103 is one of the tightest, trimmest, best-looking cars from this golden age of chrome and overdone styling.

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3. Audi TT

The Audi TT has undergone three major phases, with the original concept premiering in 1995, and the latest beginning back in 2014.  This model has been the purest design in the Audi universe from day one. While each subsequent generation has kept the Audi TT's specifications relevant with cutting edge technology, its design has remained sleek curves and a two-seater roadster body. Unlike many roadsters, there are no hard edges, and In keeping with the "form over function" philosophy, this soft shape allows the body to maximize aerodynamism.

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4. Audi Avus Quattro

The Audi Avus quattro was never available to the public, but we can't help but acknowledge its blissfully sleek and cool design. Designed in 1991, the aluminum frame and mid-engine layout made the Avus quattro a dream car in many respects. Even though the design is coming up on being three decades old, it would still look cutting edge if it came out today. It's not hard to imagine James Bond driving a car this crystal cool through the Alps or city streets at night. If you want a closer look, the concept model is on display at Audi's museum in Ingolstadt.

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5. Audi E-Tron Spyder

Maybe we're cheating here, becasue the Audi e-tron actually refers to a number of electrically-powered vehicles in the Audi family. Pictured is the E-tron Spyder concept, which is the best looking of all the E-tron designs. While the hi-tech specifications are an appeal of their own, Audi imbued these vehicles with an aesthetic that looks and feels appropriately futuristic. After all, if you're trying to make a car that paves the way to future trends, it pays to have a look that's a few year into tomorrow.

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6. Audi R8C

When you're talking about Audi, you have to pay some heed to their impressive motorsports cars. The R8C looks like a race car should; sleek and clearly packed to the brim with power. Again, Audi's soft, curving features are used here to benefit the car's aerodynamics, giving the model the appearance of a rolling wave. It unfortunately didn't have the sufficient test time to fare well at Le Mans, but we still have a soft spot for the way it looks.

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